

EcoFlight uses small aircraft to provide the aerial perspective to educate and advocate for our remaining wildlands, watersheds, and culturally important landscapes. From the air, we connect stakeholders with differing viewpoints to advance our goals of conservation and environmental justice. 

The Climate Center

The Climate Center

We believe in thriving, healthy communities. We envision a future where everyone in California enjoys clean air and water, renewable and reliable energy, healthy food, thriving nature, and more.

Forests Forever

Forests Forever

Forests Forever was founded in 1989 during the historic campaign to save Headwaters ancient redwood forest in Humboldt County, California. Ten years later 7500 acres including several large virgin groves had been acquired as Headwaters Forest Reserve and can be visited today. Our efforts helped galvanize the broad-based public awareness and outcry that led to this and many other subsequent forest victories across the state.

Save Napa Valley Foundation

Save Napa Valley Foundation

We advocate for Napa Valley’s long-term viability as a robust agriculturally based community by boldly confronting the climate crisis and its impact on our shared natural resources – water, woodlands and wildlife.

The Center for Biological Diversity

he Center for Biological Diversity

At the Center for Biological Diversity, we believe that the welfare of human beings is deeply linked to nature — to the existence in our world of a vast diversity of wild animals and plants. Because diversity has intrinsic value, and because its loss impoverishes society, we work to secure a future for all species, great and small, hovering on the brink of extinction. We do so through science, law and creative media, with a focus on protecting the lands, waters and climate that species need to survive.

Apis Arborea

Apis Arborea

Apis Arborea was founded to honor the essential role of honeybees in sustaining life on our planet, and to ensure their health and survival.

Center for Coastal Studies

Center for Coastal Studies

The Center for Coastal Studies (CCS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to understanding, preserving and protecting marine ecosystems and the coastal environment through applied research, education and public policy initiatives.

Friends of Maine Coastal Islands

Friends of Maine Coastal Islands

FOMCI is a private, nonprofit, tax-exempt organization dedicated to increasing public awareness and support of the Maine Coastal Islands National Wildlife Refuge.

Greater Yellowstone Coalition

Greater Yellowstone Coalition

Across more than 20 million acres, three states, and two national parks, the Greater Yellowstone Coalition works to defend the wild heart of North America.

Green Forests Work

Green Forests Work

GFW’s vision is to create a renewable and sustainable multi-use resource that will provide economic opportunities while enhancing the local and global environment.